Beyond DEF began as a vision to create a one-stop shop where authors can turn their manuscripts into polished novels and ready them for publication. We offer à la carte services as well as full publishing contracts.
With more than 120 years of combined publishing, graphic design, and marketing experience, our team can create beautiful covers, precisely edited manuscripts, and professional-looking books to reel in your readers.
Beyond DEF is proud to announce we are now accepting submissions for our new publishing imprints. Soulspark embraces dark, contemporary, new adult, and sweet romance. Mooncast encompasses all things fantasy and paranormal, including books with romantic elements and themes. Illumination caters to non-fiction authors of all topics, poetry, and memoir.
Whether you are a seasoned author or writing your first book, our team is primed and ready to help you achieve your goals. We offer a unique, five-step editing process, open-minded and creative designs—inside and out—and marketing and social media expertise. Let us travel with you on your publishing journey.