Editor in Chief and Owner
Tiffany Fox is a graduate of Missouri Southern State University with a Bachelor of Science in sociology. Since 2012, she has dedicated her life to her passion for literature. Tiffany has focused her skills on industry-standard editing strategies to further help authors achieve their publishing goals. Her obvious obsession for books has allowed her to become a pivotal reference expert in editorial publishing. Authors are guided in an extensive, hands-on approach as she edits their manuscript, molding it into a beautifully polished novel.

Senior Designer
Writing since 2008, LeTeisha Newton has achieved a successful career within the publishing industry. She earned her A.A.S. in web development design/programming from ECPI University, her B.A. in business administration and marketing from Missouri Southern State University, and her M.B.A. from Longwood University.
LeTeisha's relentless perseverance is an asset to our team, and we're honored to have her.

Senior Developmental Editor
After being told by her junior college English teacher she’d never understand how to use commas, C.A. Houghton went on to successfully earn her undergraduate degree in English Teaching without needing to demonstrate comma mastery at all. However, there were several times she showed remarkable prowess in the field of semi-colons. Houghton earned a graduate degree in Educational Leadership and Foundations, which gave her more experience in parentheses and left her weary toward ellipses. It was not until her fifteen-year English teaching career when C. A. Houghton was finally able to inflict her comma expertise on unwilling junior high students.

Senior Interior Designer
Deena Rae is the Digital Director of The Book Connection and owner of E-BookBuilders. With more than 20 years of being in the background of professional independent publishing, she took the plunge and decided to go full-time in an effort to help move The Book Connection into the e-publishing arena. As a formatter who uses HTML, she has made E-Book Builders the company to depend on for difficult-to-format manuscripts and non-fiction. She's always coming up with new ideas for interior design, so there's a good chance you will be the proud owner of something entirely unique.

Shannon Casto is a professor of English and a publications advisor who earned her Bachelor of Arts in journalism and Masters of Education in instructional technology from Sam Houston State University. She has written three books, and eight of her screenplays have been produced into full-length films. She spends her days teaching high school yearbook, newspaper, photography, and college English. Due to her journalism background, she has been an editor in multiple situations and publications for over thirty-five years.